Sam & Julia – The Mouse Mansion
Sam & Julia: a safe place where kids are free to go out and discover
Sam and Julia live with their families and friends in the Mouse Mansion which is a world of its own. It is a place where kids are free to go on adventures and discover everything their community has to offer. Everything is possible in this charming environment, even making something out of nothing, using only your imagination and creativity.
Based on a series of books created by Karina Schaapman, the story tells the everyday life and adventures of Sam and Julia where they learn that other ways of life are not a threat but that this diversity enriches their lives.
The original Mouse Mansion is a cardboard house of 3 meters high and 2 meters wide. It is handmade and consists for the most part of cardboard boxes, paper mache and waste materials.
An animated TV series based on the Mouse Mansion will start airing at the end of 2023 with a global launch in 2024.
- Targetgroup: preschool boys and girls, secondary kids 6-10 yrs

© 2023 The Mouse Mansion Company B.V.

The Brand Store
In 2017 the Mouse Mansion brand store opened in central Amsterdam. In this museum / flagship store, children can take a closer look at the original decors, ask questions to the makers and learn how to create a Mouse Mansion themselves.
In 2023, the store will move to a bigger location in Amsterdam busiest shopping street.
Key Facts:
- More than 1 million books sold
- Translated into 27 languages
- TV Series, 78×7”, Coproduction between ZDF and France TV, global Roll-out in 2024
- Youtube, Social Media
- Merchandise Roll-out in 2024
Brand Values
Community, Friendship, Creativity, Curiosity, Problem solving, Achievement, Kindness
Available for all categories
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Mailing Address
Königstrasse 69, D-41564 Kaarst, Germany